stilkov’s avatarstilkov’s Twitter Archive

34,966 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
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  1. I’ve moved to #Mastodon and like it very much over there. Find me at
  2. Sehr interessante Komponentensammlung martinoppitz/1601547786847391744
  3. „Webanwendungen barrierefreier zu gestalten, ist mit nur geringem Mehraufwand und nativen HTML-Elementen möglich. Das zeigt eine Beispielanwendung.“ #accessibility
  4. Really looking forward to #INNOQTechnologyDay, starting in a few minutes
  5. Hard to disagree; among the best talks I know lukaseder/1597561090023608320
  6. Welche (deutschsprachige) Software-Architektin sollten wir unbedingt mal als Sprecherin zum #SoftwareArchitectureSummit einladen?
  7. I still hope (and think it’s possible) this site might survive and actually do quite well *despite* its owner’s best efforts to ruin it. Of course the claim will then be it did *because* of it
  8. Thanks mostly to my co-worker Smashnet’s effort, INNOQ now runs its own #mastodon instance. Find me there as
  9. Boring take: It’s extremely convenient to treat software architecture/technology decisions as if there were simple truths. But there’s really nothing that’s a good solution everywhere, and there are very, very few approaches that are almost always bad. 1/2
  10. I believe it’s appropriate to retweet myself now; after all, who knows how long the first part will continue to be true stilkov/1577033939931123712
  11. “allowing free speech by just allowing all speech is not actually leading to free speech, it just leads to a cesspit of hate”
  12. For me, nothing flips the bozo bit as reliably as voicing support for the Republican party. Please vote if it’s your country
  13. Well said: “a series of hunches and feelings, devoid of learning, analysis, rigour or consideration of consequences”
  14. And here I was, thinking nothing could make me care less about that blue check mark


  1. …in reply to @rougevelvet
    Perfect way to treat old racist art, IMO. RT rougevelvet "Well played WB, well played. "
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. Here’s a mind-blowing idea: Instead of adding server-side rendering by getting your client-side framework to work on the server, too, first start with server-side rendering and make it really, really fast; then as a next step, maybe don’t do that client thing.
  3. Imagine the awesome speeches on privacy and surveillance Obama would be giving if he hadn't been elected.
  4. …in reply to @undefined
    Brilliant! RT Kerzol: Map-reduce finally explained (по ссылке от Scr4T) kerzol/498839661302005760/photo/1
  5. +1. Wieso darf man keinen Friseursalon ohne Meister betreiben, braucht für Wahlsoftware aber nicht mal Grundverständnis von IT-Sicherheit? ewolff/905773242316705794
  6. Facebook is getting a patent on GraphQL – more proof of the madness of software patents (as if one was needed)

I’ve retweeted other tweets 13,509 times (38.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. INNOQ 518 retweets
  2. ewolff 236 retweets
  3. Pinboard 155 retweets
  4. niggi 139 retweets
  5. Carnage4Life 128 retweets
  6. bitboss 96 retweets
  7. dhh 94 retweets
  8. clemensv 85 retweets
  9. dret 82 retweets
  10. chaosupdates 75 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. INNOQ 53 retweets
  2. Carnage4Life 19 retweets
  3. slightlylate 17 retweets
  4. chaosupdates 13 retweets
  5. AmA_conf 12 retweets
  6. Grady_Booch 12 retweets
  7. ewolff 12 retweets
  8. simonw 10 retweets
  9. seldo 9 retweets
  10. ChrisStoecker 8 retweets

Replies and Mentions

35.9% of my tweets are replies (×12,559)

Most Replies To

  1. ewolff 346 replies
  2. roidrage 236 replies
  3. pavlobaron 167 replies
  4. janl 163 replies
  5. clemensv 151 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. Carnage4Life 21 replies
  2. hillelogram 10 replies
  3. rotnroll666 8 replies
  4. ewolff 8 replies
  5. hhariri 8 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 449 times (1.3%)

47.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (4,585 of 9,759)

94.2% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (213 of 226)

Top Domains

  1. 1653 tweets
  2. 536 tweets
  3. 371 tweets
  4. 352 tweets
  5. 237 tweets
  6. 179 tweets
  7. 107 tweets
  8. 106 tweets
  9. 84 tweets
  10. 81 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 1630 tweets
  2. 495 tweets
  3. 371 tweets
  4. 309 tweets
  5. 199 tweets
  6. 144 tweets
  7. 98 tweets
  8. 84 tweets
  9. 74 tweets
  10. 66 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 41,589 retweets and ❤️ 82,373 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🟩 used 78 times on 11 tweets
  2. ⬜ used 69 times on 10 tweets
  3. 🟨 used 39 times on 10 tweets
  4. 👏 used 12 times on 10 tweets
  5. 🔥 used 8 times on 1 tweets

49 unique emoji on 87 tweets (0.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. eurovision used 71 times
  2. qcon used 63 times
  3. qconlondon used 51 times
  4. qconsf used 46 times
  5. gotober used 39 times

1,615 hashtags on 1,614 tweets (7.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. f_ck used 52 times
  2. s_it used 50 times
  3. d_mn used 47 times
  4. b_llshit used 45 times
  5. h_ll used 34 times

385 swear words on 381 tweets (1.8% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets