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  1. …in reply to @rougevelvet
    Perfect way to treat old racist art, IMO. RT rougevelvet "Well played WB, well played. "
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. Here’s a mind-blowing idea: Instead of adding server-side rendering by getting your client-side framework to work on the server, too, first start with server-side rendering and make it really, really fast; then as a next step, maybe don’t do that client thing.
  3. Imagine the awesome speeches on privacy and surveillance Obama would be giving if he hadn't been elected.
  4. …in reply to @undefined
    Brilliant! RT Kerzol: Map-reduce finally explained (по ссылке от Scr4T) kerzol/498839661302005760/photo/1
  5. +1. Wieso darf man keinen Friseursalon ohne Meister betreiben, braucht für Wahlsoftware aber nicht mal Grundverständnis von IT-Sicherheit? ewolff/905773242316705794
  6. Facebook is getting a patent on GraphQL – more proof of the madness of software patents (as if one was needed)
  7. “What's the biggest technology mistake you ever made?” – “When I was at IBM, I started a product called Websphere”
  8. Here's what *you personally* can really do about climate change: Elect people who think it's real
  9. Many enterprise IT departments have become big fans of an “API-first“ strategy. I think that in general, this is a bad idea. (Thread)
  10. If your “unsubscribe” link leads to a login page to “manage my subscription settings”, you’re doing it wrong and I hate you.
  11. If you're building HTTPS websites, there's no excuse for not reading this right now. Amazed at my own ignorance.
  12. Very good post on everything that’s wrong with Swagger (by barraganc):
  13. So viel Doofheit in einer Schlagzeile
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. I now know of two global insurance companies who started their digital initiatives by trying to define a global, canonical data model, so I guess my two-year-old blog post is still relevant: TL;DR: You don’t want to do that.
  15. If you think there’s a conflict between “agile development” and “software architecture”, you don’t understand at least one of them
  16. WTF? Wie lange Zeit hatten die maximal? Drei Monate? Selbst bei einem Satz von 2.000€/Tag hätten dann über 150 Personen kontinuierlich daran gearbeitet. Wie bitte ist das zu rechtfertigen? phaus/1271053384389402624
  17. I’ll secure the funding for aphyr to do a Jepsen test of OracleDatabase if you secure Oracle‘s permission that he’s allowed to publish the results, no matter what they show matthewokeefe1/1225997953434890241
  18. “API design: Why you should use links, not keys, to represent relationships in APIs” According to this post on the Google Cloud Blog, “Links are simply better”. I agree :)
  19. Ich zögere normalerweise, AfD-Wähler pauschal als Nazis zu bezeichnen. Aber wer 2019 Höcke seine Stimme gibt, hätte 1930 auch NSDAP gewählt.
  20. Yesterday, the German state I live in (NRW) launched its website for vaccination registration. Predictably, it broke down. After all, there’s no way for a poor country like Germany to create a website that can handle 700 requests/second. That’s black magic
  21. I have a distributed systems joke, but I’m not sure if I’ve told it before, who heard it, and whether I can simply tell it again
  22. I miss conferences, hallway discussions, conference parties, cities I don’t know, cities I know superficially, hotels and hotel bars, even airports and airport shopping and shitty WiFi connections.
  23. …in reply to @dieternuhr
    dieternuhr Unverantwortlicher Blödsinnstweet
  24. My wife typically paints girls and women, but she made an exception :)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API