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Perfect way to treat old racist art, IMO. RT rougevelvet "Well played WB, well played. themightybadwolf.tumblr.com/post/96220807272/blessedwithgloriousbutt-maycontainfeminists "
Here’s a mind-blowing idea: Instead of adding server-side rendering by getting your client-side framework to work on the server, too, first start with server-side rendering and make it really, really fast; then as a next step, maybe don’t do that client thing.
Imagine the awesome speeches on privacy and surveillance Obama would be giving if he hadn't been elected.
Brilliant! RT Kerzol: Map-reduce finally explained (по ссылке от Scr4T) kerzol/498839661302005760/photo/1
+1. Wieso darf man keinen Friseursalon ohne Meister betreiben, braucht für Wahlsoftware aber nicht mal Grundverständnis von IT-Sicherheit? ewolff/905773242316705794
Facebook is getting a patent on GraphQL – more proof of the madness of software patents (as if one was needed) medium.com/@dwalsh.sdlr/using-graphql-why-facebook-now-owns-you-3182751028c9
“What's the biggest technology mistake you ever made?” – “When I was at IBM, I started a product called Websphere” bbc.com/news/business-11944966
Here's what *you personally* can really do about climate change: Elect people who think it's real
Many enterprise IT departments have become big fans of an “API-first“ strategy. I think that in general, this is a bad idea. (Thread)
If your “unsubscribe” link leads to a login page to “manage my subscription settings”, you’re doing it wrong and I hate you.
If you're building HTTPS websites, there's no excuse for not reading this right now. Amazed at my own ignorance. imperialviolet.org/2012/07/19/hope9talk.html
Very good post on everything that’s wrong with Swagger (by barraganc): blog.novatec-gmbh.de/the-problems-with-swagger/
I now know of two global insurance companies who started their digital initiatives by trying to define a global, canonical data model, so I guess my two-year-old blog post is still relevant: innoq.com/en/blog/thoughts-on-a-canonical-data-model/ TL;DR: You don’t want to do that.
If you think there’s a conflict between “agile development” and “software architecture”, you don’t understand at least one of them
WTF? Wie lange Zeit hatten die maximal? Drei Monate? Selbst bei einem Satz von 2.000€/Tag hätten dann über 150 Personen kontinuierlich daran gearbeitet. Wie bitte ist das zu rechtfertigen? phaus/1271053384389402624
I’ll secure the funding for aphyr to do a Jepsen test of OracleDatabase if you secure Oracle‘s permission that he’s allowed to publish the results, no matter what they show matthewokeefe1/1225997953434890241
“API design: Why you should use links, not keys, to represent relationships in APIs” According to this post on the Google Cloud Blog, “Links are simply better”. I agree :) cloud.google.com/blog/products/application-development/api-design-why-you-should-use-links-not-keys-to-represent-relationships-in-apis/
Ich zögere normalerweise, AfD-Wähler pauschal als Nazis zu bezeichnen. Aber wer 2019 Höcke seine Stimme gibt, hätte 1930 auch NSDAP gewählt.
Yesterday, the German state I live in (NRW) launched its website for vaccination registration. Predictably, it broke down. After all, there’s no way for a poor country like Germany to create a website that can handle 700 requests/second. That’s black magic
I have a distributed systems joke, but I’m not sure if I’ve told it before, who heard it, and whether I can simply tell it again
I miss conferences, hallway discussions, conference parties, cities I don’t know, cities I know superficially, hotels and hotel bars, even airports and airport shopping and shitty WiFi connections.
dieternuhr Unverantwortlicher Blödsinnstweet