stilkov’s avatarstilkov’s Twitter Archive—№ 29,688

          1. So, who’s collecting the best ideas on how to successfully run a remote conference? I’ll start with a list of my own, please reply to with yours or links to others.
        1. …in reply to @stilkov
          Make sure speakers have a video feed of their audience; they’ll probably need it to deliver a good talk.
      1. …in reply to @stilkov
        Consider smaller locations where people can gather to watch talks. Feed video of those locations to the speaker(s).
    1. …in reply to @stilkov
      Consider pre-recording talks, then have the speaker do a chat-based Q&A while the talk is streamed
  1. …in reply to @stilkov
    Allow for listeners to ask questions with a video stream showing them while they do it
    1. …in reply to @stilkov
      Do everything possible to emulate “hallway conversations” at a (semi-)virtual conference
      1. …in reply to @stilkov
        Try to add things not possible at a classical conference as added value. Examples: Easily connecting to fellow listeners; access to additional material; follow-up with the speaker; recording options
        1. …in reply to @stilkov
          Extend it to allow for companies to have their conference rooms participate; allow for attending only some talks instead of all, yet provide a discount for the all-access pass
          1. …in reply to @stilkov
            Extend to open space (or other collaborative formats). Allow people to walk in and out of virtual rooms.